Chris O'Rourke
Chris is a playwright, director, and arts critic and holds an MA (hons) in Modern Drama. Chris was National Arts Critic for until July 2016 when ceased, during which time he extensively reviewed in Ireland, the US and abroad.
Recent writing/directing credits include the LBGQT musical The Unwitting Wife (Spinning Plates, 2012), Mirror Me(at) - Next! (Everything Is Liminal, Dublin, 2013), Puck Folite (Everything Is Liminal, Dublin, 2014), Streets and Stories (Unknown Theatre, Dublin 2014) Can Stand Up - Don't Want To (Everything Is Liminal, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2014), If Walls Could Talk (Unknown Theatre, Dublin 2015 - Edinburgh Fringe Festival, 2016).
Chris was founder/editor of iTaLiCs Press which published the critically acclaimed arts journal InCognito as well award winning poetry collections between 1997 and 1999.
